Kris Brown - Topos Seminar
(press s
for speaker notes)
Abstraction is something all programmers are familiar with.
Category theory offers abstractions that fit well together.
Focuses on relationships between things without talking about the things themselves.
Invented in the 1940’s to connect different branches of math.
A category consists of objects and morphisms (arrows).
CT studies certain shapes of combinations of arrows.
Compare to interfaces in computer science:
In some sense a category is just a particular interface.
CT is also the study of interfaces in general. It knows which are good ones.
A simulation has the following data
| |-magnetic
| | |- Fe
| | | |-pw_500/
| | | |-pw_600/
| | | |-pw_700/
| |-nonmagnetic
| | |- Al
| | | |-pw_500/
| | | |-pw_700/
| |-...
| |- Ni lattice constant/
| |- OH adsorbate interaction/
Instead, assemble the simulations into a big list and deduce experiments:
class Simulation():
def __init__(self, calc: Calculator, sys: System):
def write_input(self, pth: str):
def read_input(pth: str) -> Simulation:
class Calculator():
def __init__(self, params: Dict[str, Any]):
class System():
def __init__(self, cell:Cell, atoms:List[Atom]):
class Cell():
def __init__(self, dims:np.ndarray, pbc=Tuple[Bool,Bool,Bool]):
class Atom(Species):
def __init__(self, elem: str,x:float,y:float,z:float):
Relational databases
Example instance
SQL solves the issue of querying and storage of data. But what do we do when we need to do more?
We must convert back from the database back into the custom data type, dealing with all of the problems associated with that.
A \(\mathsf{C}\)-set has the same information as a database without attributes.
Attributed \(\mathsf{C}\)-sets (ACSets) have the same information as ordinary relational databases.
Unlike databases, we understand ACSets as living in a category which supplies many interesting and useful things to do with database that we would otherwise not think to do.
The majority of this talk will emphasize the sorts of things one can do with this perspective.
Example ACSet
# Python
class Atom():
def __init__(self, elem,x,y,z):
def __eq__(self, other):
class Cell():
def __init__(self, dims, pbc):
def __eq__(self, other):
class System():
def __init__(self, cell, atoms):
def __eq__(self, other):
class Calculator():
def __init__(self, params):
def __eq__(self, other):
class Sim():
def __init__(self, calc, sys):
def __eq__(self, other):
def write_input(self, pth: str):
def read_input(pth: str) -> Sim:
# AlgebraicJulia
@present Simulations begin
(Atom,S_A,Cell,System,Sim,Calc) :: Ob
(String, Float, Int) :: AttrType
calc :: Hom(Sim, Calc)
system :: Hom(Sim, System)
cell :: Hom(System, Cell)
s_system :: Hom(S_A, System)
s_atom :: Hom(S_A, Atom)
pw :: Attr(Calc, Float)
xc :: Attr(Calc, String)
(x,y,z) :: Attr(Atom, Float)
elem :: Attr(Atom, Int)
Find pairs of simulations with the same calculator and cell but different atomic configurations.
# Python
"""Put paths into buckets. Same bucket if
their path (*ignoring* the 3rd folder name,
i.e. chemical structure) is the same."""
def find_pairs(sim_path_root):
EQcalc = defaultdict(list)
for p in get_all_paths(sim_path_root)
# e.g. p=["bulk","mag","Fe","pw_500",...]
# pth_no_chem=["bulk","mag","pw_500",...]
pth_no_chem = p[:CHEM_LEVEL]+p[CHEM_LEVEL+1:]
bucket = (get_calc(p), pth_no_chem)
return EqCalcCell.values()
A category of ACSets and ACSet morphisms.
When you design a schema to contain your data, you will soon learn it needs to be updated. This is a huge problem.
Schemas are actually categories; functors between them automatically induce data migrations on arbitrary databases.
When your algorithm is expressed in terms of ACSets, then you can migrate your algorithm automatically, too!
# Python
"""System we know nothing about (except pbc)"""
def unknown(pbc):
if pbc == [True,True,True]:
return System(Bulk(0,0,0,pbc), [])
else if pbc == [True, True, False]:
return System(Surf(0,0,0,pbc), [])
"""Migrate a Sim to a Sim2"""
def migrate_sim(sim::Sim):
init_sys = System2(sim.cell, sim.atoms)
final_sys = unknown(init_sys.cell.pbc)
return Sim2(sim.calc, init_sys, final_sys)
for old_sim in get_sims(old_db_cxn):
insert_sim(migrate_sim(old_sim), new_db_cxn)
new_query = "SELECT S1.pth, S2.pth FROM ..."
# AlgebraicJulia
"""Declare relationship between schemas"""
F = FinFunctor((system=final,), Simulations, NewSimulations)
Bb, Sb = [true,true,true], [true,true,false]
B = @acset_colim Sims begin b::Bulk; pbc(cell(b))==Bb end
S = @acset_colim Sims begin s::Surf; pbc(cell(b))==Sb end
CB = @acset Sims begin Cell=1; pbc=Bb end
CS = @acset Sims begin Cell=1; pbc=Sb end
constraints = [homomorphism(CB,B), homomorphism(CS,S)]
# Migrate old data
new_simulation_db = Σ(F,constraints)(sims)
# Migrate old query, Q
new_Q = Σ(F,constraints)(Q)
In each case, the fragility of the code you write decreases.
Model created in AnyLogic, courtesy of Nathaniel Osgood and Xiaoyan Li
The category of Petri nets are just \(\mathsf{C}\)-Sets for a specific \(\mathsf{C}\).
\[2\text{H}_2\text{O}\leftrightarrows 2\text{H}_2+\text{O}_2\]
\[2\text{H}\rightarrow \text{H}_2\]
\[\text{Zn}+2\text{HCl}\rightarrow \text{ZnCl}_2+\text{H}_2\]
using AlgebraicPetri
crn = LabelledPetriNet(
[:H₂O, :H₂, :O₂, :H, :Zn, :ZnCl₂, :HCl],
:split =>((:H₂O, :H₂O)=>(:H₂, :H₂, :O₂)),
:split⁻¹ =>((:H₂, :H₂, :O₂)=>(:H₂O, :H₂O)),
:radical =>((:H,:H)=>:H₂),
:reduce =>((:Zn,:HCl,:HCl)=>(:ZnCl₂,:H₂)),
│ T │ tname │
│ 1 │ split │
│ 2 │ split⁻¹ │
│ 3 │ radical │
│ 4 │ reduce │
│ S │ sname │
│ 1 │ H₂O │
│ 2 │ H₂ │
│ 3 │ O₂ │
│ 4 │ H │
│...│ ... │
3 rows omitted
│ I │it │is │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 1 │
│ 2 │ 1 │ 1 │
│ 3 │ 2 │ 2 │
│ 4 │ 2 │ 2 │
6 rows omitted
│ O │ot │os │
│ 1 │ 1 │ 2 │
│ 2 │ 1 │ 2 │
│ 3 │ 1 │ 3 │
│ 4 │ 2 │ 1 │
4 rows omitted
Write a program that combines overlapping reaction networks:
# Python
def merge(n1:RxnNet, n2:RxnNet,
s_overlap:list, t_overlap:list):
n1_rxn = deepcopy(n1.rxns)
for r2 in n2.rxns:
n_pairs = [(, for r1 in n1_rxn]
if not intersect(t_overlap, n_pairs):
n1_rxn.append(rename_state(r2, s_overlap))
return RxnNet(n1_rxn)
def rename_state(r::Rxn, s_overlap):
s_dict = dict([(v,k) for (k,v) in s_overlap])
Rxn(, rename_species(r.i, s_dict),
rename_species(r.o, s_dict))
def rename_species(s::Species, s_dict::dict):
Write a program that multiplies all stoichiometry by 2:
Write a program that stratifies a unary CRN with a CRN of phase transitions:
Write a program that stratifies a unary CRN with a CRN of phase transitions:
# Python
def strat(r1: RxnNet, r2:RxnNet):
rs = []
for rx1 in r1.rxns:
for s2 in get_states(r2):
for rx2 in r2.rxns:
for s1 in get_states(r1):
return RxnNet(rs)
def rename_rxn(r:Rxn, s: Species):
return Rxn(, rSt(r.i,s), rSt(r.o,s))
def rSt(st: State, s2:Species)
return State(Dict([Species(
for (s1,v) in st.species.items()]))
def get_states(r::RxnNet):
Gluing together models and multiplying models can be made sense of in any category.
Simulations shouldn’t be written as code. The model should be compiled to simulation.
Code is a good semantics category, but lousy for syntax (can’t do fancy things like limits and colimits in it).
# Python
def F(rho, v, MeshCoordi,facenodes,centroid): # advection flux coeff
return -rho*(v @ fnormal(MeshCoordi,facenodes,centroid))
def get_linMatrix(pymesh, custom_mesh, dt, phi0):
. . .
fluxMat=numpy.zeros((totalMeshCells, totalMeshCells))
for c_cell in range(totalMeshCells):
for n_cell in neighbourID[c_cell]: #n_cell neighbouring cell index
if n_cell == None: #this will handle the boundary cell elements
fluxMat[c_cell,c_cell], bMat[c_cell]=get_Bcondition(...)
else: #non boundary elements
#D is diffusion flux contribution
#A is advection flux contribution
fluxMat[c_cell,n_cell]=-(D*funA(A,D) + max(A,0)) #General scheme by Patankar
fluxMat[c_cell,c_cell]+= -( numpy.sum(fluxMat[c_cell,:]) - fluxMat[c_cell,c_cell] ) + rho*cellvolume[c_cell]/dt
return fluxMat, bMat
Conceptual model:
Implementation details to worry about when we update the math
loops need modification?# AlgebraicJulia
"""Define the multiphysics"""
Diffusion = @decapode DiffusionQuantities begin
ϕ == k(d₀{X}(C)) # Fick's first law
Advection = @decapode DiffusionQuantities begin
(V, ϕ)::Form1{X}
ϕ == ∧₀₁{X}(C,V)
Superposition = @decapode DiffusionQuantities begin
(C, Ċ)::Form0{X}
(ϕ, ϕ₁, ϕ₂)::Form1{X}
ϕ == ϕ₁ + ϕ₂
Ċ == ⋆₀⁻¹{X}(dual_d₁{X}(⋆₁{X}(ϕ)))
∂ₜ{Form0{X}}(C) == Ċ
compose_diff_adv = @relation (C, V) begin
diffusion(C, ϕ₁)
advection(C, ϕ₂, V)
superposition(ϕ₁, ϕ₂, ϕ, C)
"""Assign semantics to operators"""
funcs = sym2func(mesh)
funcs[:k] = Dict(:operator => 0.05 * I(ne(mesh)),
:type => MatrixFunc())
funcs[:⋆₁] = Dict(:operator => ⋆(Val{1}, mesh,
hodge=DiagonalHodge()), :type => MatrixFunc());
funcs[:∧₀₁] = Dict(:operator => (r, c,v)->r .=
∧(Tuple{0,1}, mesh, c, v), :type => InPlaceFunc())
# Python
class Wolf():
def init(self, eng: int, position):
def move(self):
class Sheep():
def init(self, eng: int, position):
def move(self):
class Grass():
def init(self, eng: int, position):
def increment(self):
class Graph():
def init(self, vertices, edges):
class World():
def init(self, graph, ws: list[Wolf], ss: list[Sheep]):
Task: find a reaction \(A + B \rightarrow C\), delete \(C\) from the reaction network (if no other reactions need it), merge \(A\) and \(B\) together into \(AB\), and add a reaction \(\varnothing \rightarrow AB\)
# Python
def merge_delete_add(r:RxnNet):
# try to rewrite each reaction
for (i,rxn) in enumerate(r.rxns):
# determine if has at least two inputs
if sum(rxn.i.species.values()) < 2:
continue # cannot rewrite this rxn
# determine if we can delete an output
C = None
for out_species in rxn.o.species.keys():
appears_in = [j for (j, jrxn) in enumerate(r.rxns)
if out_species not in (jrxn.i.species
| jrxn.o.species)]
if appears_in == [i]:
C = out_species
if C is not None: # we can delete an output
out_state = State(Dict([(k,v-1 if k == C else v)
for k,v in rxn.o.species.items()]))
# . . . etc.
# to do: merge two input states
# to do: add a rxn that creates that merged state
# AlgebraicJulia
Pattern = @acset PetriNet begin
S=3; T=1; I=2; O=1; it=1; ot=1; is=[1,2]; os=[3]
# Subobject of Pattern which we do not delete
I = @acset PetriNet begin S=2;T=1;I=2;it=1;is=[1,2];end
Replacement = @acset PetriNet begin
S=1; T=2; I=2; O=1; it=1; ot=2; is=1; os=1
rule = Rule(homomorphism(I,Pattern),
rewrite(rule, my_rxnet) # uses colimits underneath!
Lack of automation due to unclear context and assumptions: models are not explicit.
Formalization creates possibility of automation - important as science scales both in amount of data and conceptual complexity of the data.
CT is useful for the same reason interfaces are generally useful. In particular, CT provides generalized notions of
These abstractions all fit very nicely with each other:
We can use them to replace a large amount of our code with high level, conceptual data.
Why don’t researchers often don’t make structure of data explicit?
Difficult to reap the benefits of structure
The data when sitting still may be structured, but the moment you have to do something with it, you have to load from the database back into ad hoc data structures and code.
Difficult to maintain the structure
Structure codifies certain assumptions made - when those assumptions change, it can be a lot of work to make things right again.
class break once we go hexagonal."""Each S has a distinguished reflexive I, O, T"""
@present SchReflPetriNet <: PetriNet begin
refl_i ⋅ is == id
refl_o ⋅ os == id
refl_i ⋅ it == refl_o ⋅ ot
F = FinFunctor(SchPetriNet, SchReflPetriNet)
base = @acset PetriNet begin
S=1; T=2; I=2; O=2;
is=1; os=1; it=[1,2]; ot=[1,2]
Apply Σ;Δ migration to input X, then map into base
X transitions are sent to 1, added refl transitions to 2
(vice-versa if t = false)
function strat_arr(X::PetriNet, t::Bool)
to_refl = ΣΔ(F)(X) # yields a morphism X → X′
Refl = codom(X_X′) # X, with reflective transitions
L = collect(to_refl[:T]) # set of original T's in X
# Determine where to send transitions in base
t_init = [p ∈ L ? t : !t for p in parts(Refl,:T)] .+ 1
homomorphism(Refl, base; initial=(T=t_init,))
function stratify(X::PetriNet, Y::PetriNet)
csp = Cospan(strat_arr(X, true), strat_arr(Y, false))
return Limit(csp)
Natural science
Computer science
Math + CS + Natural science
“ACT helps you be more disciplined than you would be with just your intuitions.”
What’s wrong with the semantic web? It seeks a single language to represent everything. C.T. naturally resists this. SW is good at subtype hierarchies, but say you want to model a process - good luck! you might as well be encoding in JSON / XML … the logical framework isn’t helping.
Not a new standard (XKCD) but rather understanding
Why is C.T. pushout special? It helps us generalized beyond graphs
We want to say what the model is. Code is not model. (e.g. Imperial). The model in the scientist’s head may be complex (made up of many components) but it is not complicated (difficult for a human to grasp).
We have a toolbox of abstractions we understand rather than a universal language that can’t be extended once your assumptions change.
Our modeling framework latches onto the domain but we don’t have to start from nothing.