A graphical language for rewriting-based programs and agent-based models

Kris Brown, David Spivak - ACT 2023

(press s for speaker notes)


Introduction - examples

  • Game of Life

  • COVID modeling

  • Discrete Lotka Volterra

Introduction - examples

  • Game of Life (link)
mutable struct Cell <: AbstractAgent
  id::Int; pos::Tuple{Int,Int}; status::Bool
function ca_step!(model)
  new_status = fill(false, nagents(model))
  for (agid, ag) in model.agents
      nlive = nlive_neighbors(ag, model)
      if ag.status == true && (nlive  model.rules[4] && nlive  model.rules[1])
          new_status[agid] = true
      elseif ag.status == false && (nlive  model.rules[3] && nlive  model.rules[4])
          new_status[agid] = true

  for k in keys(model.agents)
      model.agents[k].status = new_status[k]
  • COVID modeling (link)
mutable struct Agent <: AbstractAgent
  id::Int; pos::NTuple{2,Float64}
  vel::NTuple{2,Float64};  mass::Float64
function elastic_collision!(a, b, f = nothing)
  v1, v2, x1, x2 = a.vel, b.vel, a.pos, b.pos
  length(v1) != 2 && error("This function works only for two dimensions.")
  r1 = x1 .- x2; r2 = x2 .- x1
  m1, m2 = f == nothing ? (1.0, 1.0) : (getfield(a, f), getfield(b, f))
  !(dot(r2, v1) > 0 && dot(r2, v1) > 0) && return false
  f1,f2 = (2m2/(m1+m2)), (2m1/(m1+m2))
  ken = norm(v1)^2 + norm(v2)^2
  dx = a.pos .- b.pos
  dv = a.vel .- b.vel
  n = norm(dx)^2
  n == 0 && return false # do nothing if they are at the same position
  a.vel = v1 .- f1 .* ( dot(v1 .- v2, r1) / n ) .* (r1)
  b.vel = v2 .- f2 .* ( dot(v2 .- v1, r2) / n ) .* (r2)
  return true
  • Discrete Lotka Volterra (link)
create-sheep initial-number-sheep  ; create the sheep, then init vars
  set shape  "sheep"
  set color white
  set size 1.5  ; easier to see
  set label-color blue - 2
  set energy random (2 * sheep-gain-from-food)
  setxy random-xcor random-ycor
to eat-sheep  ; wolf procedure
  let prey one-of sheep-here                    ; grab a random sheep
  if prey != nobody  [                          ; did we get one? if so,
    ask prey [ die ]                            ; kill it, and...
    set energy energy + wolf-gain-from-food     ; get energy from eating

to death  ; turtle procedure (i.e. both wolf and sheep procedure)
  ; when energy dips below zero, die
  if energy < 0 [ die ]
; stop the model if there are no wolves and no sheep
; stop the model if there are no wolves and the number of sheep gets very large
if not any? wolves and count sheep > max-sheep [ user-message "The sheep have inherited the earth" stop ]
ask sheep [
  ; in this version, sheep eat grass, grass grows, and it costs sheep energy to move
  if model-version = "sheep-wolves-grass" [
    set energy energy - 1  ; deduct energy for sheep only if running sheep-wolves-grass model version
    eat-grass  ; sheep eat grass only if running the sheep-wolves-grass model version
    death ; sheep die from starvation only if running the sheep-wolves-grass model version
  reproduce-sheep  ; sheep reproduce at a random rate governed by a slider
ask wolves [
  set energy energy - 1  ; wolves lose energy as they move
  eat-sheep ; wolves eat a sheep on their patch
  death ; wolves die if they run out of energy
  reproduce-wolves ; wolves reproduce at a random rate governed by a slider

Introduction - ACT philosophy

General-purpose code not a great syntax for scientific modeling

Some desired properties for a model representation:

  • Compositional, e.g.
    • Straightforward to make the Game of Life into a 3D game
    • Straightforward to share behaviors between wolves and sheep
    • Straightforward to combine COVID dynamics with a vaccination model
  • Transparent / verifiable / visualizable

  • Serializable + Implementation-agnostic

  • Flexible, e.g. 

    • Straightforward to change semantics (deterministic, nondeterministic, probabilistic)

But these properties do tend to follow from giving a nice syntax category (e.g. presheaves, Poly) a computational semantics.

Introduction - problem statement

Rewrite rules (e.g. DPO, SPO) are a good syntax for small / local changes

How can we design a model with rewrite rules as primitive building blocks?

  • Need to specify control flow (if…then…else, while…)
  • Need to specify rewrite rules as well as control their matches

E.g. for each vertex \(v\):

  • If \(v\) has no neighbors, delete it
  • Else, look at its neighbors \(v\rightarrow v'\)
    • Flip a coin
    • If heads, add a loop to \(v'\)
function simulate(G::Graph)
  for v in vertices(G)
    vsᵢ, vsₒ = inneighbors(G, v), outneighbors(G, v)
    if isempty(vsᵢ  vsₒ)
      apply_rule(DELETE_VERTEX, G; initial=(V=[v],))
      for v′ in vsₒ
        if rand([false, true])
          apply_rule(ADD_LOOP, G; initial(V=[v′],))


function simulate(G::Graph)
  for v in vertices(G)
    vsᵢ, vsₒ = inneighbors(G, v), outneighbors(G, v)
    if isempty(vsᵢ  vsₒ)
      apply_rule(DELETE_VERTEX, G; initial=(V=[v],))
      for v′ in vsₒ
        if rand([false, true])
          apply_rule(ADD_LOOP, G; initial(V=[v′],))

Introduction: AlgebraicJulia & AlgebraicRewriting.jl

#| echo: false
using Pkg, Test

AlgebraicJulia is a computational category-theoretic software ecosystem.

Catlab.jl defines the core data structures and algorithms with a focus on computing with presheaf categories. For example, consider the category Grph of presheaves on the schema (i.e. small category) \(E \rightrightarrows V\)

using Catlab
g = path_graph(Graph, 3)
# Visualize with Graphviz

AlgebraicRewriting.jl extends Catlab.jl to include many constructions developed by the graph transformation community.

using AlgebraicRewriting  # create DPO rule: • <- • -> •↺
add_loop = Rule(id(Graph(1)), delete(Graph(1)))
rewrite(add_loop, g) |> to_graphviz


  1. Introduction
    • Example models, Other approaches, ACT philosophy, AlgebraicJulia
  2. Motivating the dynamic Kleisli category, \(DK_t\)
    • Mealy Machines
      • Rewrite and ControlFlow generators
      • Agent-based modeling: controlling match morphisms
    • Quotienting by behavioral equivalence
    • Enriching in \(\mathbf{Cat}^\#\)
    • Parameterizing by polynomial monad
  3. Conjecture: \(DK_t\) is traced
  4. More primitive generators
    • Query, Weaken, Fail generators
    • Putting it all together
    • Examples: Game of Life, COVID, Lotka Voltera

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Mealy Machines

\[Ob_{\mathbf{Meal}} := Ob(\mathsf{Set})\] \[Hom_{\mathbf{Meal}}(A,B) := \left\{\left(S : \mathsf{Set},\ s_0 : S,\ \phi\colon A\times S\to S\times B\right)\right\}\]

Consider a case with \(S=1\), e.g. the rewrite rule add_loop as a morphism \(Grph \rightarrow Grph + Grph\):

Loop = RuleApp(:add_loop, add_loop) |> singleton
extract(res) = res |> traj_res |> traj_res
@test apply_schedule(Loop, Graph())[2] |> extract == Graph()
res = apply_schedule(Loop, path_graph(Graph,3))
res[1] |> extract |> to_graphviz

Agent-based modeling

A wire labeled by \(A \in Ob(\mathsf{C})\) represents the set \(Ob(A/\mathsf{\mathsf{C}}\text{-}\mathsf{Set})\).

\(A\) is the shape of an agent living in a world \(X\) given by the morphism \(A \rightarrow X\). Being able to keep track of a distinguished subobject enables us to have control over matches.

Previously, the morphism add_loop had the semantics of ‘add a loop to some vertex’

With the ability to have distinguished agents, this morphism has the semantics of ‘add a loop to this vertex’.

Primitive generators

Previously a Grph rewrite was \(Grph \rightarrow Grph + Grph\); now it is \(A/Grph \rightarrow B/Grph + A/Grph\) (in shorthand: \(A \rightarrow B + A\)).

  • two output ports, depending on whether the rule is successfully applied.
  • AlgebraicRewriting.jl rules can have application conditions and alternate semantics (e.g. SPO, SqPO).

G0, G1 = Graph(), Graph(1)
del_v = Rule(create(G1), id(G0))
aL = RuleApp(:addLoop, add_loop, G1) # agent in = agent out = • 
dV = RuleApp(:delV, del_v, id(G1), id(G0)) # explicit agents
recipe = aL  merge_wires(G1)  dV
# Example: second vertex is current focus
G = homomorphisms(G1, path_graph(Graph, 3))[2] 
res1, res2 = apply_schedule(recipe, G)
@assert isempty(res1)
res2 |> extract |> to_graphviz

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Mealy Machines

Control flow: consider a class of Mealy machines \(A \rightarrow A + A\) with \(S=\mathbb{N},s_0=3\) that acts as a for loop, by returning the first element iff \(s > 0\).

Loop2 = for_schedule(Loop⋅merge_wires(Graph()), 2)
res = apply_schedule(Loop2, path_graph(Graph,3))
res[1] |> extract |> to_graphviz

The Condition (or ControlFlow) primitive morphism is allowed to have nontrivial state but does not alter its inputs. Thus it must be a morphism \(A \rightarrow n \times A\).

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Mealy Machines

Let’s make a morphism which behaves like add_loop for the first three times the function is run and subsequently like delete_vertex:

\[ Grph \rightarrow Grph + Grph \] \[For3 \operatorname{⨟}(AddLoop \otimes DelVertex) \operatorname{⨟}(id_{Grph} \otimes \sigma_{Grph,Grph} \otimes id_{Grph}) \operatorname{⨟}\nabla_{Grph} \otimes \nabla_{Grph} \]

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Quotienting by behavioral equivalence

Our monoidal product \(\otimes\) comes from the coproduct in Set, but it is not a coproduct in Meal.

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Quotienting by behavioral equivalence

The behavior of a morphism \(A \rightarrow B\) is an infinite tree whose nodes are functions \(A \rightarrow B\) and which has a branching factor of \(A\).

Impractical to draw the behavior tree explicitly with infinite sets.

However, for a Mealy machine with domain \(\Sigma_i A_i\):

  • It can be the case that state update \(\phi;\pi_1: S \times \Sigma_i A_i \rightarrow S\) is purely determined by \(S \times I\).
  • When this condition is met, we can draw the tree as branching on the number of input wires into a box.

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Quotienting by behavioral equivalence

Consider this variant and its behavior tree:

bt = BTree(Mealy(RuleApp(:add_loop, add_loop), Maybe))
wv = WireVal(1, Traj(create(Graph())))
(outedge, msg), = bt(BTreeEdge[], wv)

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Quotienting by behavioral equivalence

\[Ob_{\mathbf{Meal/\sim}} := Ob(\mathsf{Set})\] \[Hom_{\mathbf{Meal/\sim}}(A,B) := Ob(\mathfrak{c}([Ay,By]))\]

\[Ob_{\mathbf{DynMeal}} := Ob(\mathsf{Set})\] \[Hom_{\mathbf{DynMeal}}(A,B) := \mathfrak{c}([Ay,By])\]


  • \([p,q]\) is the internal hom in Poly
  • \(\mathfrak{c}\) is the cofree comonad functor \(\mathbf{Poly} \rightarrow \mathbf{Cat^\#}\)
  • \(\mathbf{Cat^\#}\) is the category of categories and cofunctors.

The set of behavior trees is in bijection with the underlying set of the final coalgebra on \(X \rightarrow B^AX^A\). But we prefer to think about the category of morphisms \(A \rightarrow B\):

  • this category makes explicit the dynamic nature of these systems, rather than just being a static object with a (fixed) initial state.

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Monadic output

\[Ob_{\mathbf{DK_t}} := Ob(\mathsf{Set})\] \[Hom_{\mathbf{DK_t}}(A,B) := \mathfrak{c}([Ay,t \triangleleft By])\]

We can readily generalize our notion of a morphism \(A \rightarrow B\).

\[Maybe = y+1\]

\[Writer = My\]

\[List = \sum_{N : \mathbb{N}} y^N\]

\[Lott = \sum_{N : \mathbb{N}} \Delta_N y^N\]

where \(M\) is a monoid and \(\Delta_N:=\{P:N\rightarrow [0,1]\ |\ 1=\sum P(i)\}\)

Conjectured trace structure

A trace structure licenses a graphical syntax with feedback loops.

Even without proving the purported trace structure, the theory has influenced an implementation.

Conjectured trace structure

A trace structure licenses a graphical syntax with feedback loops.

Even without proving the purported trace structure, the theory has influenced an implementation.

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Enriching in \(\mathbf{Cat}^\#\)

Poly morphisms are forwards on positions (trees) and backwards on directions (ways of updating): composition builds larger trees from smaller ones and decomposes updates of the larger system into corresponding updates of the smaller systems.

Towards dynamic Kleisli categories - Enriching in \(\mathbf{Cat}^\#\)

More primitive generators

Although RuleApp and ControlFlow are the workhorse generators, we need others to facilitate the changing of control from agent to agent. Consider the Query morphism \(A + B' \rightarrow A + B + 0\), whose basic behavior is determined by the types \(A\) and \(B\) on its ports:

Empty, Dot = Symbol(" "), Symbol("•")
N=Names(Dict(" " => Graph(), "•" => Graph(1)))
recipe = agent(tryrule(aL))
view_sched(recipe; names=N)
apply_schedule(recipe, path_graph(Graph, 3)) |> first |> extract |> to_graphviz

More primitive generators

The last two generators of importance are Weaken and Fail. Both are stateless.

  • Weaken is a morphism \(B \rightarrow A\) and is specified by a morphism \(Hom_{C\mathsf{Set}}(A,B)\).
    • It acts upon an agent via precomposition.

  • Fail is a morphism which throws the monadic exception.

Putting it all together

If \(v\) has no neighbors, delete it else…

\(\forall v\rightarrow v'\), if coin flip is heads, add a loop to \(v'\)

G0, G1 = Graph.(0:1); arr = path_graph(Graph, 2)
N=Names(Dict(" "=>G0,"•"=>G1,"•→•"=>arr));Arr=Symbol("•→•")
s_hom, t_hom = homomorphisms(G1, arr);
add_loop = RuleApp(:add_loop, Rule(id(G1), delete(G1)), G1);
del_vertex = RuleApp(:del_vertex, del_v, id(G1), id(G0))
per_edge = mk_sched((;),(i=Arr,), N, 
  (flip=uniform(2, Graph(1)), weak=Weaken(:Switch_to_tgt, t_hom), rule=add_loop), 
    flip_yes, flip_no = flip(weak(i))
    rule_yes, rule_no = rule(flip_yes)
    return [flip_no, rule_yes, rule_no]
view_sched(per_edge; names=N)
constr = Constraint(@acset(CGraph, begin V=3; E=3; src=[2,1,2]; tgt=[1,3,3]; vlabel=[arr, G1, nothing]; elabel=[s_hom, 1, 2] end), Commutes([1,2],[3]))
edge_loop = agent(per_edge, G1; n=:out_edge, 
                  ret=G1, constraint=constr)
view_sched(edge_loop; names=N)
wv = Weaken(:Discard_vertex, create(G1))
per_vertex = (del_vertex  
  (id([G0])  (edge_loop  wv))  merge_wires(G0))
per_vertex_loop = agent(per_vertex; n=:vertex, ret=G0)
view_sched(per_vertex_loop; names=N)

Putting it all together

function simulate(G::Graph)
  for v in vertices(G)
    vsᵢ, vsₒ = inneighbors(G, v), outneighbors(G, v)
    if isempty(vsᵢ  vsₒ)
      apply_rule(DELETE_VERTEX, G; initial=(V=[v],))
      for v′ in vsₒ
        if rand([false, true])
          apply_rule(ADD_LOOP, G; initial(V=[v′],))

Putting the formalism to work


Much more to say about performance

  • Unbiased vs biased implementations
  • In-place rewriting
  • Mark-as-deleted
  • Schema-specific code compilation
  • Incremental homomorphism search

Advantages from formalism

  • Compositional, e.g. data migration
  • Transparent / verifiable / visualizable
  • Serializable + Implementation-agnostic
  • Flexible to change semantics

GCM 2023 paper: Dynamic Tracing: a graphical language for rewriting protocols

\[\text{Thank you for listening!}\]

Bonus slide - other approaches

What is a good syntax for talking about the algorithmic application of rewrite rules?

  • Need to specify control flow (if…then…else, while…)
  • Need to specify rewrite rules as well as control their matches

General strategies

  1. Unordered rules, but control via constraints / maintain program state ‘in the graph’
    • Unwieldly / complex / indirect control flow via application conditions
    • Incorporation of implementation details into graph / world state

Bonus slide - other approaches

What is a good syntax for talking about the algorithmic application of rewrite rules?

  • Need to specify control flow (if…then…else, while…)
  • Need to specify rewrite rules as well as control their matches

General strategies

  1. Unordered rules, but control via constraints / maintain program state ‘in the graph’
  2. Directed graph of rewrite rules
    • No control of matches
    • No complex control flow

Bonus slide - other approaches

What is a good syntax for talking about the algorithmic application of rewrite rules?

  • Need to specify control flow (if…then…else, while…)
  • Need to specify rewrite rules as well as control their matches

General strategies

  1. Unordered rules, but control via constraints / maintain program state ‘in the graph’
  2. Directed graph of rewrite rules
  3. General program with rewrite primatives
    • No explicit control of matches
    • Program language syntax